Getting Started

Creating your account on Toasthost

To interact with Toasthost you will need to create an account for yourself. This is because you may be an officer for multiple Toastmasters clubs, so we treat you and your clubs as separate entities.

First click the signup button:

Sign Up Button

Next fill in the form with your details and click submit:

Sign Up Form

Once you have submitted we will send you an email (to allow us to verify your email address is correct).

Activation email

Click on the link in the email and you will end up here:

Sign up afterSign Up Form

Now you are signed in you will see your home page:

User home page

Creating your club area

Now it is time to create your club space - after you have logged in go to your homepage: [[][]]

The 'Your Clubs' shows any clubs that you are linked to. From here you can either register a new club (this section) or join an existing club.

First go to 'Find or Register a club'

Find or register a club

From here you will see all of the clubs currently registered on on Toasthost.

Find or register a club

If your club is already registered see the Joining an existing club section.

Otherwise lets go and register your club, by clicking this link:

Find or register a club

Which will lead you to this form:

Register club form

Fill in as much information as you can on this page. If your club is pre-charter, or you don't have all of the information to hand it is ok. The more you fill in the easier it will be to locate your club by others. You can update the information later in your club configuration.

Once you have submitted the form, you will be directed to your new club home page. Every time you log in or visit you will be able to see your club listed.

Joining an existing club

If your club has already been setup and you want to help manage it - find the club as above. Then click on the club name

Join existing club

Then click on the request access link:

Request access to club

The current registered officers for the club will be emailed to grant you access. Please confirm with them. They need to confirm the request from the club home page:

Request access to club

Once authorised you will not be able to manage your club.

What's next?

Now you can explore the other items in the menu on the left to configure various facilities for your club. You can enable the guestbook, publish a website and manage your members all from the club homepage.