Membership Management

Connecting a Stripe account to accept card payments

Toasthost can accept card payments on helalf of your club. We use Stripe to securely handling card payments on behalf of your members. Before we get started there are a few things you need to know:

To configure card payments you need to create a Stripe account for your club, then connect the account to Toasthost. These steps are described in the below two sections:

Creating a Strip Account

To create a Stripe account go to
accept card payments on behalf of your club. To do this you need a Stripe account.

Stripe Start Now Button

Register yourself (you need to register yourself, not your club account at this stage). As multiple members may and will administer the Stripe account for your club.

Stripe Signup

Once signed up create your club account. The member signing up (ideally the President or Treasurer) should put in the various club details. When you get to members, remember you are not shareholders, but as a committee member you do have a role (President or Treasurer) and you are on the guidence committee for your club.

Linking your Stripe account to Toasthost

Stripe Management Roles

Now you have configured your Stripe account we can go back to Toasthost. Back on your club homepage you can see the Stripe link status here:

Account Linking

Click on 'Click here' to link your stripe account.

Account Linking Button

Clicking the button will direct you to Stripe where you can authorise Toasthost to link to your account and accept users payments on your behalf:

String Connect Linking

Configuring membership management